
him n only him


D said…
suke ni..
seronok when we found somebody and realise dat he's the one..
wanna b wit him till the end or our life..
hehe tibe2 aku plak yg jiwang2..
i do hope the best for u n hadi..
pray for me too cik tikah..
Miss Yaty said…
ni msti tulisan ko kn tqah???hahaha~~
tiqah said…
ika: btol2... ye, kdng2 dia annoyong, wt kte marah smua... tp in the end of the day, still dia je orng yg snggup buat ape2 utk kte... aku pun harap yg terbaek utk ko n rean..

yat: haha. ta rjin lak aku. google jeh.. ;p
tiqah said…
haha. thanks... =)

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